How to Write a Statement of Interest

How Do I Write a Great Statement of Interest ?

  • Write in lay terms, NOT disciplinary jargon  —  SKHS is multidisciplinary unit so you will be communicating to faculty members with varied background and it is important that all are able to understand your goals and objectives clearly
  • Be concrete, practical and feasible – sound like you know what you are doing and that you have a reasonable time to do it in – i.e. the SKHS Master’s program is 2 years long and the Doctoral program is 4 years long – show how you can complete your proposed study in the relevant time period
  • Avoid being vague, speculative or uncertain
  • Do not use up space with excessive lists of courses
  • Use inclusive language
  • Be clear and concise, focus on organization and flow, use subheadings
  • Proof read your work carefully
  • Include your reasons for pursuing a graduate program in your field and explain where you hope to end up
  • The more specific the better (especially for PhD applications) – think of this as a creative writing project
  • Begin with your general research objective/what you are interested in studying, move to your background, finish with your motivations and future aspirations: What will be your contribution to the knowledge base in your area of study?
  • Things you might include: Supervisor name and expertise, resources you will access i.e. libraries, journals, databanks etc.