TA Wellbeing and Support

There are many influences on graduate student wellness, including employment as teaching assistants. It is important to recognize that TA responsibilities introduce unique stresses to graduate students that can be challenging, especially for new TAs. 

Employee Assistance Program

As Queen’s employees, TAs and have access to the Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)

The Employee and Family Assistance Program provider, TELUS Health One, offers confidential, professional, and personalized wellness services that are available to employees and family members, 24/7. Services range from counselling, assessments, toolkits, podcasts, and more. 

To review full services and supports, login to the website at login.lifeworks.com or download the “Lifeworks” app. Username: queensu. Password: telushealth. 

For 24-hour, confidential EFAP support call: 1-877-789-7572

Graduate Student Supports

TAs are also encouraged to use the supports that are available to them as graduate students at Queen’s University. 

Student Wellness Services (SWS)

SWS offers personal, academic, and social support in the form of counselling services, group workshops and therapy, accessibility information and more. 

School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs’ (SGSPA) Embedded Counsellor

At SWS, there is an embedded Graduate Student Counselor from the SGSPA who provides individual counselling services to graduate students and offers group programs on mental health and wellbeing. 

Wellness Groups

Information about student-only, multi-session therapy groups and one-time wellness events can be found here: Wellness Groups, Events & Trainings

Empower Me

Queen’s graduate students can access Empower Me for free, 24/7, 365 days per year. Support is offered in multiple languages by telephone and videoconference. 

Self-Directed Mental Health Workbooks

SWS has many tips within their workbooks to help students manage stress. 

Society of Graduate and Professional Student (SGPS)

The SGPS is the student organization for graduate and professional students at Queen’s University. They offer the following to support graduate student wellness:

Graduate Student Health and Dental Plan 
SGPS Student Advisors

Free and confidential service which provides advice, strategies for self-advocacy and referrals for academic issues.