Courtney Szto
Associate Professor
Physical Cultures and Intersectional Justice
PhD (Simon Fraser University)
MSc (University of Toronto)
BHK (University of British Columbia)
Undergraduate Courses
KNPE 167 – Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Sport and Physical Activity
KNPE 366 – Race, Sport and Physical Activity
KNPE 475 – Sport and the Environment
Research Summary
My research broadly explores the relationship between physical cultures and intersectional justice. In other words, how are things like racism, sexism, ableism etc. also compounded by climate catastrophe? I question power relations and try to complicate our understanding of how, when, and where sport and/or physical cultures can be used to address issues of injustice. My doctoral research was published under the title, "Changing on the Fly: Hockey through the voices of South Asian Canadians" by Rutgers University Press (2020). Changing on the Fly won the Outstanding Book Award at the 2021 North American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference. I have also executive produced a short documentary about bike waste titled, Revolutions, which won Best Canadian Short Documentary at the BC Environmental Film Festival. I am currently working on a SSHRC Insight Grant with Dr. Jennifer Wigglesworth (UNBC) about how historically marginalized groups work to create space for community and anti-colonialism through outdoor activities.
Graduate Student Opportunities
I am interested in supervising graduate students working in the areas of (new) media studies, intersectionality/intersectional justice, anti-racism, consumption culture, corporate social responsibility, (cultural) citizenship, fat activism, food studies, athlete activism, environmental sustainability/justice, outdoor culture (e.g., hiking, camping, mountaineering, climbing etc.), and public memory. Eligible students are expected to apply for SSHRC, CIHR, OGS and other available scholarship opportunities.
Current Funding
SSHRC Insight Grant (2022-2028). "Reclaiming the Outdoors: Structures of resistance to historical marginalization in outdoor culture." Co-Investigator, Dr. Jennifer Wigglesworth, University of Northern British Columbia.
Recent Publications
Szto, C. & Adams, M.L. (2023). "There's not a lot of glory in what I do": Coaches' views on Canadian ice hockey and figure skating development programs for adults. International Sport Coaching Journal, 11(2), 249-258.
Szto, C. & Wilson, B. (2023). Reduce, re-use, re-ride: Bike waste and moving towards a circular economy for sporting goods. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 58(6), 911-931.
Szto, C., Pegoraro, A., Morris, E., et al. (2021). #ForTheGame: Social change and the struggle to professionalize women's ice hockey. Sociology of Sport Journal, 38(4), 325-334.
Szto, C. (2020). Changing on the Fly: Hockey through the voices of South Asian Canadians. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Bains, A. & Szto, C. (2020). Brown skin, white ice: South Asian specific hockey programming in Canada. South Asian Popular Culture. [online first]
Norman, M., Esmonde, K., & Szto, C. (2019). Public sociology of sport and digital media: A self-reflexive analysis of public engagement in the “hockey blogosphere.” Sociology of Sport Journal, 36(2), 135-143.
Szto, C. & Gruneau, R.(2018). The Hockey Night in Canada Punjabi Broadcast: A case study in ethnic sports media. In J. Anderson & J. Ellison (eds.), Hockey: Challenging Canada’s game. Ottawa-Gatineau: University of Ottawa Press.
MacDonald, C., Szto, C. & Edwards, J.(2017). The Game That No One Saw: Evaluating the cultural citizenship and legitimacy of women’s professional hockey through the Inaugural Women’s Winter Classic. In A. Milner & J.H. Braddock II (eds.), Women in Sports: Breaking Barriers, Facing Obstacles. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Hayhurst, L.M.C. & Szto, C.(2016). Corporatizing activism through sport-focused social justice?: Investigating Nike’s Corporate Responsibility initiatives in Sport for Development and Peace. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 40(6), 522-544.
Gray, S. & Szto, C.(2016).A reflection of reality? The consumption and reproduction of obesity discourses by The Biggest Loser viewers through Facebook. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 5(3), 214-243.
Szto, C.(2016).#LOL at multiculturalism: Reactions to Hockey Night in Canada Punjabi from the Twitterverse. Sociology of Sport Journal, 33(3), 208-218.
Szto, C.(2015). Serving up change? Gender mainstreaming and the UNESCO-WTA partnership for global gender equality. Sport in Society, 18(8), 895-908.
Norman, M., Ventresca, M., Szto, C. & Darnell, S.(2015). ‘Driving to the Net’: Frames and politics in the New York Islanders’ stadium saga. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 39(1), 19-39. doi: 10.1177/0193723514541282
Szto, C. & Gray, S.(2015). Forgive me Father for I have thinned: Surveilling the bio-citizen through Twitter. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 7(3), 321-337. doi: 10.1080/2159676X.2014.938245
Szto, C.(2013). Saving lives with soccer and shoelaces: The hyperreality of Nike (RED).Sociology of Sport Journal, 30,
Donnelly, P., Atkinson, M., Boyle, S. & Szto, C. (2011).Sport for development and peace: A public sociology perspective. Third World Quarterly, 32(3), 589-601.