Certificate in Disability and Physical Activity

About DIPA


The  Certificate in Disability and Physical Activity (DIPA) is offered through a collaboration between the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies and Revved Up , an adapted exercise program.   The goal of the Revved Up program is to provide world-class, community-based exercise programming that fosters healthy living and quality of life among people living with mobility impairment, intellectual disability and/or cancer.  Students in the certificate program will be on the front lines helping to make this goal a reality. Please see more information about the certificate program in the 2019-2020 DIPA Presentation.

Primarily located in the SKHS, and in a satellite location at Providence Care Hospital, students learn about and participate in community-based programming for persons with disabilities.  Students in the certificate program will get an opportunity to work closely with persons from a variety of special populations.  If you are considering a career in healthcare or working with persons with a disability, you will gain valuable experience in addition to academic skills.  In addition, students will:

  • Strengthen communication and leadership skills
  • Develop a deeper understanding of what it means for people to live with a disability/chronic disease
  • Develop exercise prescription skills with a focus on considerations for people with a disability, and perform program reassessments on Revved Up participants. (The practical component of the certificate has been designed so that students will achieve 3 of the 6 core competencies necessary to pursue the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology’s Certified Personal Training designation, which students may elect to pursue upon their completion of the certificate program)

This certificate program is officially recognized by Queen’s and will be an additional credential noted on students transcripts.  The requirements of the certificate program are summarized below.

Admission Requirements:

  • Level 2 or above and a minimum GPA of 2.70

Required Courses:

  • HLTH 200/3.0 or KNPE 255/3.0
  • HLTH 332/3.0 
  • KNPE 336/3.0
  • KNPE 436/3.0
  • 3.0 units from: KNPE 335/3.0, HLTH 315/3.0, HLTH 404/3.0* or KNPE 433/3.0* (limited seats are available in these seminar courses and they may not be offered each year). Students must have completed any required course prerequisites;  or at the Bader College (UK): HLTH 402/3.0, HLTH 403/3.0, HLTH 404/3.0

Allowable overlap with an Arts and Science degree plan

  • 6 units

Additional courses required outside of Arts and Science degree plan

  • 9.0 units x $202.77* per unit (or $608.31 per 3.0 unit course) = $1824.93 (*2023-24 fees)


  • Queen’s Certificate awarded and noted on student transcript


Queen’s Certificate awarded and noted on student transcript

The Certificate program will open for new applications to all on-campus Faculty of Arts and Science students at Queen’s during the Plan Selection period (May 21 - 27, 2025). Please e-mail  asc.studentservices@queensu.ca with a request to apply for DIPA (no statement of experience or resume are required to apply to the DIPA Certificate). There are a defined number of spaces available for the Certificate. Students will be notified of their application status in June 2025.

  • Late applications will not be considered.


The Certificate program will open to on-campus non-Faculty of Arts and Science students (Applied Science, Commerce, and Nursing) at Queen’s in early 2025. Please submit applications through Undergraduate Admissions by April 1, 2025 by going to:  https://queensu.my.site.com/apply/

Application fees will apply through Queen’s Admissions.

  • Late applications will not be considered.

Queen’s Certificate awarded and noted on student transcript

Students must have a minimum Cumulative GPA of 2.7 AND have level 2 standing to apply. Please note there are a limited number of spots.  Although 2.7 is the minimum Cumulative GPA to be eligible, admission cut-offs may be higher.

Placement Requirements for KNPE 336 (Community Field Placement in Disability and Physical Activity) and KNPE 436 (Advanced Placement in Disability and Physical Activity):

  1.  Maintain a valid Canadian Police Information Check (CPIC) with vulnerable sector screening and Standard First Aid/CPR-C certification;
  2. Complete mandatory online and in-person training (full day) in advance of placement hours beginning in KNPE 336 and KNPE 436. The training for each course will be confirmed in advance of term and will take place during the first week, outside of class time; 
  3. Earn a minimum grade of a B in each of their internship placement and practical reassessment test components of KNPE 336, and obtain permission of the course coordinator, in order to progress to KNPE436.


  • KNPE 336 and KNPE 436 are offered in the fall, winter and summer terms. There is a defined enrollment for both courses each term. When a student can access KNPE 336 will determine sequencing for KNPE 436.
  • No more than 6.0 units of core and option courses may be counted toward the requirements of both the Certificate and another degree plan.

Need more information or assistance?