Eun-Young Lee, PhD

Eun-Young Lee

Associate Professor


People Directory Affiliation Category

Post-Doctorate (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario [CHEO], University of Alberta)

PhD (University of Alberta)

MA (Yonsei University)

BSc (Yonsei University)

Cross Appointments

Gender Studies, Faculty of Arts & Science

Undergraduate Courses

HLTH 252 - Research Methods

HLTH 323 – Introduction to Epidemiology

HLTH 445 - Critical Population Health

Graduate Courses

KHS 891 – Statistics

Lab Website

In Situ Population Health Research Lab (

Research Summary

My overarching research agenda focuses on bridging social issues (e.g., climate change, gender inequality) and theories (e.g., intersectionality) with quantitative research methodology to advance population health in cross-cultural and global contexts.

Research Interests

  • Research Methods: Quantitative intersectionality; Large-scale population-based survey; Social epidemiology; Globally engaged research
  • Health Equity: Anti-racism; Anti-oppression; Equity-deserving groups; Gender and sexual minority
  • Social Medicine: Health psychology; Social, structural, and constitutional determinants of health; Salutogenesis
  • Climate Change: Climate resilience; Climate anxiety; Climate policy; Behavioural Adaptation; Intergenerational justice
  • Health Behaviours: Physical activity; Outdoor Play; 24-hour movement behavior

Graduate Student Opportunities

Applications for study at the MSc and PhD level are welcome. Please forward a copy of your resume and academic transcript to if interested.


For a full list of publications, see my Google Scholar Page.


Twitter:  @DrEunYoungLee