Jean Côté, PhD

Jean Côté


People Directory Affiliation Category

PhD (University of Ottawa)

MSc (University of Montreal)

BSc (University of Ottawa)

Graduate and Undergraduate Courses

KNPE 465 – Sport Participation and Performance


My research interests focus on the developmental and psychosocial factors that affect sport participation, performance, and personal development. I am interested in the complex interaction of youth, parents, and coaches in developing participants’ assets and strengths. My research aims to identify variables and behaviours within families, participants, and coaches that create favourable conditions for interest and continued engagement in sport. This research program uses various qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including unstructured and structured interviews, observation, video-task analysis, and questionnaires.

Graduate Student Opportunities

Postgraduate training in the study of youth in sport offers many exciting opportunities. Prospective students are encouraged to apply to the Ontario Graduate Scholarship programs, SSHRC, or other agencies supporting graduate students. As part of their training, students will have the chance to present at Sport Psychology meetings, providing a platform to share their insights and learn from others in the field. This training will enhance their academic and research skills and give them a platform to contribute to the field of Sport Psychology.

Current Funding

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)


Queen’s University Sport Psychology Lab