Jean Côté, PhD

Jean Côté


People Directory Affiliation Category

PhD (University of Ottawa)

MSc (University of Montreal)

BSc (University of Ottawa)

Undergraduate Courses

KNPE 465 – Sport Participation and Performance

Graduate Courses

KHS 864 – Advanced Topics in Sport Psychology (admission by special permission)

KHS 865 – Social Psychology of Sport and Exercise


My research interests focus on the developmental and psychosocial factors that affect sport and physical activity performance and participation. I am interested in the complex interaction of children, parents and coaches in the development of talent and in the achievement of personal excellence. The purpose of my research is to identify variables and behaviours within family, performers and coaches that create favourable conditions for excellence and participation in sports. This program of research uses various qualitative and quantitative methodologies including unstructured and structured interviews, observation, video-task analysis, and questionnaires.

Graduate Student Opportunities

Opportunities exist for postgraduate training in the study of children in sport and the psychosocial variables involved in the development of participation and expertise in sport. Prospective students are expected to apply to the Ontario Graduate Scholarship programs SSHRC or other agencies that provide support for graduate students. Students will be expected to present at least once at the Sport Psychology meetings held in March.

Current Funding

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)


Queen’s University Sport Psychology Lab