
Study the science of the human body in motion and learn about the physiological, biomechanical, psychological and socio-cultural factors that influence human movement, exercise and sport participation, and health.

KIN Students in the UG Lab


Bachelor of Science (Honours), Subject of Specialization in Kinesiology

From the structure of the cell to the structure of society, your studies in Kinesiology will expose you to the complex factors that influence health and wellness.

Kinesiology is a direct-entry program. High school prerequisites from Ontario include: 4U English, 4U Biology, 4U Advanced Functions plus two of 4U Chemistry, Physics, and Calculus and Vectors. Check the Queen's Viewbook for prerequisites from outside of Ontario. Required first year courses: HLTH 101/3.0, KNPE 125/3.0, KNPE 153/3.0, KNPE 167/3.0, PSYC 100/6.0.

Program Highlights

In addition to innovative, engaging, lecture-based learning the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies offers unique course opportunities.  Experiential learning opportunities including the Athletic Therapy and Strength and Conditioning 'mini-streams' that allow students to take theory out of the classroom and gain professional skills working with student athletes. Lab courses such as the Exercise Physiology Laboratory give students truly hands-on expertise in measuring/ assessing human performance and function. Professors encourage inquiry-based learning with a series of research courses that build from Research Methods, to a Research Internship in a research lab or program, to a fourth-year Honours Thesis. 

"An interdisciplinary approach to understanding the psychological, social and physical implications of human movement."

Kin KNPE 355 Clinical Assement Lab

Current Students

Current Students

Program At A Glance

Get the courses you need
In first year you will have the chance to explore the foundations of Human Physiology, Biomechanics, Sport Sociology, Psychology and Health Studies, along with 12.0 units of electives, most commonly in the natural and physical sciences.

Consider applying at the end of winter term to the Athletic Therapy or Strength and Conditioning mini-streams to get course credit working with varsity athletes.

Get relevant experience
Join teams or clubs on campus such as Queen’s First Aid (QFA) and Providence Care Volunteer Club. Take Queen’s Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training.

Volunteer for the Winter Adapted Games (WAG), held annually at end of January. Apply to be an Orientation Coach for Orientation Week of your second year.

Get connected with the community
Think about applying to positions in student services, PHEKSA (Physical Health Education Kinesiology Association). Volunteer on or off-campus with different community organizations, such as Let’s Talk Science (LTS).

See the AMS Clubs Directory or the Queen’s Get Involved page for more ideas.

Get the courses you need

Start going deeper into the discipline of Kinesiology, while considering a certificate such as Disability and Physical Activity. Visit the Arts and Science sites to learn more about Certificates and  Internship options.

Want to make sure your academics are where you want them to be? Visit SASS (Student Academic Support Services) and the Writing Centre for some help.

Get relevant experience

Athletics and Recreation hire students in many roles throughout the entire year.

Look into summer jobs by talking to the School or Career Services about work through SWEP or summer USRA NSERC program (advertised in SKHS UG News). 

Get connected with the community

Take more responsibility within PHEKSA. Start or continue volunteering with groups such as WAG (monitor SKHS UG News).

Become a student member of Ontario Kinesiology Association and monitor their newsletters for opportunities.

Get thinking globally

Is an exchange in your future? Start thinking about where you would like to study abroad. Apply in January for a 3rd year exchange through the International Programs Office.

Get ready for life after graduation

Explore careers of interest by reading books in the Career Services Career Advising and Resource Area, such as Opportunities in Sports Medicine Careers. Find more information by connecting with alumni on LinkedIn.

Attend the annual School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Mini-Career Fair.

Get the courses you need

A chance to start grouping courses in areas of interest, or to keep it more general and explore many areas of Kinesiology. Meet with an Academic Advisor to make sure you are on track and have planned out your courses for next year.

Get relevant experience

Volunteer in the Revved Up lab. Consider becoming a Peer Health Educator with Student Wellness Services.

Consider entrepreneurial opportunities via programs like the Queen’s Innovation Connector Summer Initiative (QICSI) and the Summer Company Program.

Get connected with the community

Connect with professors at events or workshops hosted by the PHEKSA.

Consider attending the Canadian Undergraduate Conference on Healthcare (CUCOH)..

Get ready for life after graduation

Do targeted networking with alumni working in careers of interest by joining the LinkedIn group Queen’s Connects. Check out Career Services networking workshops.

Start focusing on areas of interest. Research education requirements for careers of interest. If needed, prepare to take any required tests (like the GRE or MCAT) and get help thinking about Grad School from Career Services.

Attend the annual School of Kinesiology and Health Studies Mini-Career Fair.

Get the courses you need

In fourth year you will have the chance to participate in research-based courses that can lead to Graduate School or to your future career path. Make sure to finish up all your courses for your degree and your optional certificate(s).

Apply to graduate on SOLUS.

Get relevant experience

Investigate requirements for full-time jobs or other opportunities related to careers of interest. Assess what experience you’re lacking and fill in gaps with volunteering, clubs, or internships – check out the Career Services skills workshop for help.

Get connected with the community

Familiarize yourself with different professional organizations and networks: seek memberships, join email lists, and consider attending local events.

Consider applying to the College of Kinesiologists of Ontario after your Undergraduate degree to become a Registered Kinesiologist.

Get ready for life after graduation

Apply to jobs or future education, or make plans for other adventures. Get help from Career Services with job searching, resumes, interviews, Grad School applications, or other decisions.

Possible Career Paths

Health Care, Education, Sport & Fitness









Occupational Health & Safety









Occupational Health & Safety

Culture of Learning

The faculty and teaching staff in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies (SKHS) are committed to creating an inclusive, positive, and high-quality teaching and learning environment. One of our most recent initiatives has focused on improving the "culture of learning" within SKHS through evidence-based tips and strategies to improve learning and academic performance.

Best Practices for Learning

Best Practices for Learning

Best Practices for Instructors

Best Practices for Instructors

Writing Across the HLTH & KIN Curriculum

Writing Across the HLTH & KIN Curriculum

Physical Health Education & Kinesiology Student Association (PHEKSA)

The Physical Health Education & Kinesiology Student Association (PHEKSA) is a student-run group at Queen's University that is comprised of a Council, Assembly, as well as Honorary and Ordinary members